Welcome to our news section. In addition to our coverage on our movement as we work towards constructing the monument, we shed light on stories from around the world, highlighting the plight of individuals and communities who endure suffering under communist regimes.

  • Testifying Before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China

    I testified in Washington, D.C. before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) regarding our efforts in Texas to help eliminate the practice of forced organ harvesting in China. The hearing, titled "Stopping the Crime of Organ Harvesting—What More Can Be Done?," convened leading experts to provide recommendations for addressing organ harvesting, the complicity of U.S. corporations in the PRC’s transplant abuses, and the issue of “organ tourism,” which often fuels transplant abuse.

  • Texas Approves Construction of Victims of Communism Monument

    Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a bill approving the construction of a monument honoring the victims of communism at the State Capitol Complex in Austin.

  • The Religious Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    Falun Gong, officially known as Falun Dafa, is a form of qigong, which roughly translates to ‘cultivation.’ Qigong is similar to yoga or tai chi and focuses on the perfection and refinement of mind and body.

  • Teaching The Truth About Communism

    VOC CEO Ken Pope considers how and why we must teach the truth about communism in a new op-ed published in The American Conservative.

  • I survived China's horrific Cultural Revolution (column)

    York College professor recalls that cataclysmic event, which began 50 years ago on May 16.

  • 100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

    The Bolshevik plague that began in Russia was the greatest catastrophe in human history.

  • Victims of Communism, Victims of Modernism

    The Holodomor: 2–7 million dead. The Gulag: 1.5 million dead. The Great Leap Forward: 30 million dead. These are just some of the grisly atrocities documented at the Victims of Communism Museum.

  • VIDEO: What was life like under Communism? The story of a Hungarian.

    Why did Joseph Forgas decide to escape from Communist Hungary? What was life like there? He describes the monolithic control of the party; what made him finally decide to go; his three attempts to escape via Yugoslavia and the surprise that awaited him when he eventually reached the Western world.